
Sadly, there are people who ignorantly practice anal sex–– intercourse through
the anus. They confusne the pleasure of this act with the stupidity of this
horrendous practice. I wish they knew of the many disadvantages associated
with this act. Their ignorance drag along 6-heavy penalties.
the anus has a sphincter muscle that enables it to contract and hold or release
faeces during before/during excretion. Continual anal sex makes this muscle to
gradually lose its elasticity, thereby making it difficult for the anus to hold faecal
matter, if one wishes to.
compare the size of an erected penis with the size of regular faeces. It becomes
obvious that penetration through the anus, places the penis right inside the
rectum. Now, if you recall your biology, the rectum is the “collection-centre” of
faeces before it passes it out when the individual is pressed. If the rectum had
faeces at that time, anal sex is simply penis grease and rubbing on faeces! Is
that what you call fun?
sex in the vagina cavity is made possible by lots of lubrication secreted by the
woman; else friction would make this activity very painful and strenuous.
Women, who do not properly lubricate for emotional, physiological, medical or
spiritual reasons, will find sex unbearable. Now, Imagine this, the anus has little
or no lubrication! It is primarily an exit point, not an entry point! Why are you
trying to change the natural use of the body?
the lining of the rectum is not as robust as the Lining of the vaginal (imagine that
the vagina can expand for the passage of a baby, but very “tough” faeces can’t
pass through the anus). This makes the anus more susceptible to tears and
continual sex in this region, would lead to tearing, no matter how careful one is.
This in turn makes it easier to get infected.
if the anus or rectum does get torn, it does not heal as quickly, because it is a
“wet” region and easily breeds more bacteria. The anus is never completely
clean even after a bath. Its susceptibility to infections and such lining tears may
lead to other problems such as anal abscess or fistula, which can make
transmission of STIs and HIV more likely.
if the man pulls his penis out of the anus, and then has vaginal intercourse, he is
basically just transferring faeces from the anus to the woman's vulva or vagina
– or bladder. So in the name of love and tighter intercourse, he is donating
infections and diseases to you.? Hmmmmm na crazy dey worry ur head! U better
change ur way!

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  1. I remember back then in school, an association held a seminar about sex, we were told oral sex is also dangerous. Doing so, u r transfering bacteria from mouth to vagina and vice versa. Now imagine from ass to mouth#Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah disgusting#


